At the British International School, we believe that the English National Curriculum coupled with the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate, are the finest and most developed combination of curricula available globally. It is for this reason that we choose to deliver these qualifications to our students.
Early Years Foundation
The Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and FS2) has 7 areas of learning and development:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Year 1-2
The Key Stage 1 curriculum is designed to keep students interested and engaged in their learning and to ensure that there is continuation and progression from the FS years. The broad and balanced UK curriculum ensures progression and continuity for each child and is enhanced with trips, visitors, art projects, theme weeks and specialist teaching.
Physical development is important at this age and our children swim, dance, take part in gymnastics and team games. Our classrooms are bright and engaging, reflecting the current unit of work and the children's continuous learning. Literacy and numeracy tools cover the walls, immersing children in language and acting as scaffolding to reinforce concepts.
Year 3-6
Our children in these years learn the full range of subjects within the UK curriculum:
- English – Literacy, Handwriting, Reading, Listening
- Mathematics
- Science
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Music
- Drama
- Humanities
- Art
- Physical, Social and Health Education,
- Languages
- Physical Education.
Year 7-9
An integral part of learning is the use of the Virtual Learning Platform (Moodle) and taking part in projects within Global Classroom including competitions in Creative Writing, Science, Mathematics, Dance, Art and many others.
The curriculum is based on the UK National Curriculum and offers the following subjects: Arabic, French, Spanish, Media, Business Studies, Art, Physical Education (PE), Business Studies, Economics, Geography, History. It is of course also compulsory to study English, Maths, Science and Information Communication and Technology (ICT).
Year 10-11
In KS4 there will be an opportunity to study further languages. Students who are neither native nor fluent English speakers, will receive additional support from our English as an Additional Language (EAL) team. We also teach some of our subjects in sets. In this case, students will be in a set with other pupils who are of a similar ability and will be regularly assessed to ensure that they remain in the correct set throughout the year.
Year 12-13
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is widely regarded as the world’s premier post-16 qualification, offering students a wide range of subjects and opportunities to develop their social and leadership skills. It is unique in that it is based on no particular national education system, offering instead a breadth and balance that affords our students a wider range of choices when it comes to selecting university courses.