
New Academy School
Marker-edcare.ae Al Raffa

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Welcome to New Academy School

New Academy School

Adequate learning opportunities are in place for your children this year. Our goal is to challenge your children intellectually, grow them socially and guide them toward independent thinking and problem solving. As we strive to promote healthy development in all aspects of each student’s life, we also strive to develop a student body of good character; students who make good choices and decisions resulting in successful and healthy outcomes.

 We encourage students to demonstrate the best of them every moment of every day and to make positive contributions to their classrooms and school community. We strive to instill within our student body a sense of personal pride as well as love and collective pride for our school. Your children will have many opportunities to display their strengths. We welcome you to become a part of a successful school year.

Contact Info

Address: Al-Raffa

Tel: +971 4398 8873
Email: nasch@emirates.net.ae

New Academy School

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