NAS Education Program
(Curriculum, instruction, assessment, course management and delivery)
Early Years Kindergarten 1-2
A child is introduced to formal education in Kindergarten classes. The KG program maintains a close relationship with the home and parents and aims to give children useful, practical experiences which will prepare them for Elementary School. The program is flexible and designed to help the child grow in self-reliance, start to learn English, learn to get along with others and form good work and play habits.
Child development and growth characteristics are taken into account when we plan our program for early childhood education.
The KG program is aimed at helping a child to enjoy learning and school, to develop a positive self-image and the concepts to help build the framework for academic success in the coming years of Grade school and lifelong learning.
NAS encourages out-door activities, when students can play cooperatively, use the large play equipment and participate in the early skills sporting program to support the rapid physical development of their bodies. Moreover, the NAS childhood program provides indoor and class-based activities aimed at developing fine motor skills, for example through cutting, coloring, lacing, sticking, drawing and early writing.
Promotion from KG1 to KG2 is based on the student’s attendance with achievement broadly in line with age expectations, with the student having no major learning disabilities.
Elementary School Grades 1-5:
The main purpose of the Elementary School is the broad and holistic intellectual and social development of the children aged from 5 to 10 years of age. The curriculum is designed based on American International Education standards, mainly CCSS in Math, English and NGSS & California State standards in Science, which may be complimented by additional Local or school standards that reflect the school needs, cultural requirements, school’s vision & values, demographic requirements and beliefs. The curriculum is based on clear education standards, progressive, well balanced, dynamic and strongly reflects the requirements of the local community and the students’ needs. Promotion from one Grade to the next Grade is based on the student’s achievement of specific skills, learning objective and knowledge in different subject areas which are described by subject standards, Performance Indicators and “I Cans” statements.
Basic Subject Requirements for Elementary school:
English, Arabic Language (MOE curriculum), Islamic Studies, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies (in Arabic as per MOE curriculum for native Arabic speakers), Global Prospective (GP), ICT (Information Communication Technology) and activity-based subjects including Creative Arts and Physical Education.
KG classes have a class teacher-based program (plus specialist teachers) where major English medium–instructed subjects (Math, English and Science) are taught by one teacher and Arabic medium-instructed subjects (Arabic and Islamic Studies) are taught by an Arabic speaking teacher. NAS has a clear vision to provide class teachers for grades 1 to 4, we believe that such structure will strengthen cross-curricular integration, thematic teaching and will eventually help improving students’ achievements.
The pastoral program at NAS, led by Assistant Principals and supervisors, plays a major role in providing guidance and support for both students and parents.
Students from grade 3 are given the opportunity to nominate themselves and be elected as members of the school’s Student Council, or Elementary Class Monitors, when they can actively participate in the ongoing development of the school, and exercise their personal skills and leadership qualities.
Middle School Grades 6– 8:
Following the pattern of organization of NAS (5-3-4), students in Grades 6-8 attend Middle School. Students experience a more structured, departmentalized academic program and work with many more teachers than they had in earlier school years. The school’s Code of Conduct (the NAS discipline policy) is applied consistently across the school and to all members of NAS from KG-G12, but as appropriate to age and expectations.
Core Subjects: English, Arabic language, Islamic Studies, Mathematics, Social Studies with divisions (History, Geography, Civics as per MOE requirement), Science, ICT, PE, GP, Art and Music.
Life skills and school’s values are also reinforced through extra-curricular activities, for example charity activities, business competitions, Health Week and the science program.
Homework is assigned at all grade levels. However, in Middle School Homework now requires substantial time and effort on the part of the students, for most subjects. On the other hand, academic challenges are balanced by social activities and extra-curricular groups, clubs and teams. NAS serves as a conduit for social and emotional development as well as for intellectual growth.
High School Program Grades 9-12
The Core subjects required in Grades 9-12 as part of the NAS course of study for the High School program are English, Mathematics, Humanities (Islamic studies), Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), ICT, Social Science including Accounting, Economics and Business, Arabic language and PE. In addition to these basic core subjects, NAS offers a variety of after- school activities.
Elective courses are also offered to students in Grades 9 & 10: Nutrition, Video Editing, Flash Player and Business Etiquette.