Manor Hall International
Manor Hall International (MHIS) is a school with grades ranging from Pre-K (KG-4) through 12th grades. The school is under the leadership of the principal and vice principal.
The principal gages the needs of the school and keeping the staff informed with the support of the Leadership Committee. The Leadership Committee is made up of the principal, vice principal, and teachers.
The school organization is structured with a Governance Board that includes Administration, Operations, Instructional Operations, Human Resources, Student Government, Teacher Committees, SIP/SDP Committee, and Parent-Teacher organization.
Vision Statement
MHIS thrives on the vision to develop life-long learners with 21st Century Skills with traits that embody acceptance, diversity, unity, integrity, and honor.
Manor Hall International School
Address: Falaj Hazaa.Al Ain , UAE
Tel: +971 3 781 0891