A unique cycle, fundamental to the success of all
The kindergarten can accommodate children before compulsory education which begins at age 6. It is most often organized in small, medium and large sections, depending on the age of the children.
The role of kindergarten
The kindergarten is an essential step in the path of students to ensure their academic success. Its main mission is to make children want to go to school to learn, affirm and develop their personality. It is based on a fundamental principle: all children are capable of learning and progressing.
It is a school where children will learn together and live together. They develop their oral language and begin to discover the writings, numbers and other areas of learning. They learn by playing, thinking and solving problems, exercising, remembering and memorizing.
Apprenticeship in kindergarten
Lessons are organized into five learning areas:
Mobilize language in all its dimensions. The stimulation and structuring of oral language on the one hand, and progressive entry into the culture of writing on the other hand, are priorities of the kindergarten and concern all areas.
Acting, expressing, understanding through physical activity
Act, express, understand through artistic activities
These two domains allow us to develop the interactions between action, sensations, imagination, sensitivity and thought.
The domains "Building the first tools to structure one's thinking"
"Explore the World"
These two areas aim to develop a first understanding of the environment of children and to raise their questions. Based on initial knowledge related to their experience, the nursery school sets up a path that allows them to order the world around them, to access the usual representations and knowledge that the elementary school Will enrich.
The reception, the recreations, the accompaniment of the moments of rest, nap, and hygiene are times of education in their own right. They are organized in this perspective by the adults who have the responsibility and who give safeguarding marks to young children.
Teachers set up a variety of learning situations in their classes: play, problem solving, training, etc. And chooses them according to the needs of the group class and those of each child.