
GEMS Founders School
Marker-edcare.ae Al Barsha 2

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School Rank-edcare.ae
Very Weak
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Welcome to GEMS Founders School

GEMS Founders School 

GEMS Founders School follows the National Curriculum for England and will open from Foundation Stage (aged 3) to Year 9 (aged 13) in the first year. The school will eventually grow through to Year 13 offering an A level curriculum.Within this framework we are also mindful of the fact that our school will be truly international in its character as well as respecting our host country in its vision, history and traditions. This will be achieved through high quality learning in lessons, an extensive range of enrichment activities and a truly personalised educational experience for each child.

GEMS Education is world renowned for its quality and Founders School will take full advantage of the network of outstanding practice that already exists within GEMS schools to ensure all our children benefit from the wider GEMS community.

Contact Info

Address: Al Barsha 2

Tel: +971 4 519 5222
Email: h.mahmoud_gfs@gemsedu.com

GEMS Founders School

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