
Dovecote Green Primary School
Marker-edcare.ae Dubai Investment Park 1

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Welcome to Dovecote Green Primary School

Dovecote Green Primary School


Learning Together, Growing Together


We will endeavor to create a caring community where children experience a stimulating learning environment:-

Through respect

By developing the children’s awareness of Respect and the essential part they play in it.

Through the curriculum

By fostering the children’s moral, physical, intellectual, aesthetic and social development, which helps to provide preparation for life.

Through community

By developing a positive interaction between home, school and the wider community for the benefit of the children.

Through communication and relationships

By maintaining and developing an open, friendly and professional relationship with all those involved in the school community.

Through individual support and development

By affording all those involved in the school, teaching and non-teaching, the opportunity to develop professionally and to work as a team for the good of the school community.

Contact Info

Address: Dubai Investmet Park

Tel: +971 4 883 7474
Email: info@dovecoteschool.com

Dovecote Green Primary School

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