
Credence High School
Marker-edcare.ae Al Quoz 1

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Welcome to Credence High School

Credence High School

Credence High School strives for excellence in academic and non-academic activities to mould a child into a wholesome personality.  The School is committed to providing an exceptional educational journey based on the principal that each child is unique and is endowed with specific skills. Personality, necessary to become a confident and independent individual prepared for the responsibilities of life and their own well-being is the focus of educating the child.   Self-respect and respect for others is fostered in a caring and cooperative environment to harness leadership and interpersonal skills so that he/she can grow up to be a citizen in a modern and evolving society.

Our Vision
To be an institution that nurtures free and happy minds thereby empowering students to excel and contribute to the society in the field of their choice.”

Our Mission
Tailor an inclusive and supportive campus that offers a sense of belonging, happiness, physical safety and intellectual freedom to all of our students
Harvest the innate talent of each child to build a school community of individual achievement and collective excellence
Instill an acute sense of values and ethics in each of our students so they may be always known for their personal integrity and probity
Nurture an international cross-section of students so they may learn to live in a globalized world and contribute in building a united, tolerant, caring society
Kindle and keep alive the spark of curiosity in our students through the provision of ICT facilities and resources that support a research – oriented, independent and enquiry based learning

Contact Info

Address: Al Quoz, Dubai
Tel: +971 4 321 2144
Email: info@credencehighschool.com

Credence High School

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